Our bodies need rest and sleep is one way of ensuring your body gets the needed rest in other to function properly. On the average, it is said that our body requires a total of 8 hours of sleep but truth is, it doesn’t always get the stipulated hours it needs. Quite a number of us struggle to have the perfect sleep moments because of many reasons, some valid others probably not valid.
Your sleep time should be an enjoyable one, it should have you wake up in the best of moods and totally refreshed. If you woke up feeling more tired or angrier at life? It’s one of the signs that you did not have a good sleep.
Here are 6 tips on how to sleep better at night.

1. Exercise in the morning because vigorous exercise can make you sleep deeper at night and can make your body more restful.
2. Do not eat heavily at night as it will be difficult to get yourself to sleep properly. Make your supper or dinner the lightest meal.
3. Establish a night time routine and stick to it.
4. After establishing a night time routine that you can stick to, create a bedtime ritual. A bedtime ritual is an activity that helps your body to relax to help you to go back to sleep. Bedtime rituals include taking a warm shower/bath, reading a book and listening to soothing music.
5. Create a peaceful and comfortable environment for sleep. Make sure, you feel comfortable on your bed, make sure your room is dark, and also, try to avoid bright screens (for instance, TV, phones) within one hour of your bedtime. Disconnecting from electronic gadgets is one of the basic elements of getting a good night sleep.
6. Lastly, wear comfortable clothes. No one wants to feel uncomfortable in tight clothes if you want to sleep soundly and have sweet dreams.

We need to have a peaceful sleep in other to wake up the next day, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.
Credit: jump.com.gh