Kumawood teen actress and superstar, Clara Benson better known as "Maame Serwaa" has stated that she doesn't have any boyfriend contrary to reports in media over the past few weeks.
She told Ghanaian blogger, Felix Yaw Adomako on his show, "Celebrity Ride with Zionfelix", to disregard the false reports.
This was after Maame Serwaa had confused the blogger by saying that her boyfriend provides her with such love, care and protection that was unprecedented.
When the "confused" blogger probed further, Maame Serwaa revealed that she was rather in a relationship with God.
She explained that, in an earlier interview with local TV station, TV3 in Accra, she was cut off by the show host who did not give her the chance to explain her comment that she had a boyfriend.
Also on the YouTube show, Clara explained how she got to have two ear piercings.