Sunday, 15 October 2017

lucky Teenager survived after been smashed his face when his BMX collided with 10ft ramp

WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES. Grady Russell needed five hours of intensive surgery and crushed two vertebrates in his back, suffered a bleed on the brain and lost three teeth

Grady Russell is lucky to be alive after the horrific BMX incident (Image: SWNS)

A teenager is lucky to be alive after he smashed every single bone in his face in a horrific BMX accident.

Grady Russell, 14, also crushed two vertebrates in his back, suffered a bleed on the brain and lost three teeth.

He needed five hours of intensive surgery in a specialist theatre to treat his life-threatening injuries .

Mother Julie, 44, has urged all bikers to wear helmets and believes that Grady would not still be alive had he not been wearing his.

Grady said: "I always wear my helmet but this has changed my life and now I'm always going to do it up.

"It was pretty scary, well, it was really scary actually - all my friends were really worried about me.

"It's scary realising that all of this has happened, but I do really want to cycle again soon.

Grady smashed every single bone in his face, lost three teeth and suffered a bleed on the brain (Image: SWNS)

"It's just what I do, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't cycle, I'd definitely be bored all the time if I couldn't- I know that I need to take a break for now because this has been quite serious."

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Grady was at a local skate park in St Ives, Cambridgeshire, on his BMX, on September 29 when he collided face-on with a 10 foot ramp.

Mum Julie, who is a conveyancer at a law firm, rushed to the scene when she received a call from a panicked boy saying that Grady had had an accident.

She said: "It's an absolute miracle that he's survived, I call him my little iron man because he's been so, so brave.

"The boy who called me was at the skate park with Grady and said that Grady had lost loads of blood and some teeth, it sounded terrible and I drove straight over."

When Julie got to the scene one paramedic was already tending to Grady and his father, Stuart, 52, was calling for another ambulance.

Julie said: "There was blood everywhere and his face was an absolute mess.

"Grady was saying over and over, 'Am I dying? Am I dying?'"

"The ambulance came and they put a neck brace on him, put him on a stretcher and into an ambulance.

"I got into the ambulance with him and he was blue-lite straight to hospital.

"Stuart drove in his car behind, he was seen straight away at the hospital and the doctor said that he'd need to see a specialist.

"I went with him to Addenbrookes where he has a CT scan and went straight into theatre.

"It was a life or death situation and I was terrified, I haven't left his side throughout- I have to thank The Sick Children's Trust for providing me with accommodation throughout the time Grady was in hospital."

Grady was put into an induced coma, and was on a ventilator to breathe for him while he was recovering in hospital.

Grady fractured his eye sockets, cheekbones and his nose and split the roof of his mouth and both his upper and lower jaws.

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Julie said: "He had to have six metal plates screwed into various parts of his jaw and a probe inserted into his skull to check the pressure inside his head.

"He's been on morphine, muscle relaxants, everything - he's just come out today and he's made a fantastically quick turn around because he really is so, so fit.

"Grady spends every spare second of his on his bicycle and is desperate to get back on, but the doctors say that he needs to wait until at least the next year, and will have to wear a full face helmet if and when he does.

"He'd just has his braces taken out the day before the accident, and we've now learnt that if he'd still had them in, he'd probably have lost more teeth."

After five hours of surgery to restore Grady's facial structure, doctors are still unsure about the future for Grady but are amazed at his speedy recovery.

"When Grady's over 18, he'll be able to get porcelain teeth- we're just taking it step by step for now and everyday he's getting so much better.

"Obviously one of the main things that Grady is worried about is the permanent damage that will be done to his face, but he's getting better every day.

"Doctors have also alerted us to other possible future problems, like chronic fatigue and loss of concentration, which we have to warn the school to look out for.

"He'll have to be slowly introduced back into school in a few weeks, firstly just for shorter days and then for full days but with longer breaks.

"I'm so grateful that he was wearing his helmet, the doctors have said that his head injury would have been far worse if he was not wearing one."

Julie said it feels that the council should put up advisory signs about the importance of wearing a helmet when using the ramps.

She looks forward to thanking the boys who used Grady's finger to unlock his phone and called her when he was injured.

Julie said: "I would like to thank the two boys who thought really quickly to get my son's phone and get his fingerprint to call me and then call an ambulance.

"Their quick thinking has probably saved my son's life."

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A spokesman for Huntingdonshire District Council said: "The council takes safety very seriously and we have signs to promote safety at the skate park in Hill Rise and all parks managed by the district council.

"We are very concerned to hear of this accident and wish Grady a full and speedy recovery."

The spokesman added: "We are happy to work with his parents to raise awareness of wearing helmets which do save lives."

Grady, who is 6"2, was doing an air trick at Hillrise ramps in Cambridgeshire, and was rushed to Hinchingbrooke Hospital.

He was then transferred to Addenbrooke's Hospital, in Cambridge.

Brother Harvey, 16, is relieved to have his brother, who is a pupil at St Ivo School, back in his family home in St Ives, Cambridgeshire.

lucky Teenager survived after been smashed his face when his BMX collided with 10ft ramp Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: A